Healing is a long, hard, beautiful journey. I think it’s safe to say that we all want to live in a world where we can feel fully healed and at peace, but the truth is, life will always have it’s curve balls and it’s being able to find our way back to a more healed and peaceful state of mind that will make the difference for our overall happiness. I find putting pen to paper and writing through some journal prompts can be such a therapeutic way to begin understanding where your emotions come from and can help you find solutions to work through them. Here are 20 journal prompts to begin healing and find more peace.
20 Journal Prompts for Healing
1. What is weighing most on my heart right now?
2. How can I best take care of myself right now?
3. What does my morning routine look like right now? How can I change it to make me feel more excited for my day?
4. What are some negative thoughts that I need to release?
5. What are some more positive and helpful thoughts I can tell myself instead?
6. What do I love about myself the most?
7. What am I doing when I feel the most calm and at peace?
8. What are some false-beliefs that I need to let go of?
9. What are 3 things I can do to feel better in this moment?
10. What do I need to forgive myself for?
11. What do I need to forgive someone outside of myself for?
12. What are 5 things I am grateful for?
13. How can I better show up for myself today?
14. What is something I can do to help build my self-confidence?
15. Who is my greatest influence and what do I like most about their teachings?
16. What is something I can work on today that will make for a better tomorrow?
17. What is something I would like to tell my younger self?
18. What is something I would like to tell my older self?
19. What would be something you would drop everything to go do, if given the option to in this moment? And how would this contribute to your growth?
20. What do I need more of in my life? What do I need less of?
BONUS: What does my dream life look like? And what’s one simple step or habit I can do today to get me there?
Journal prompts are such a powerful tool to really get you to do the inner work and can help you see what’s holding you back from healing the way you want to be and set you on the path to growing and living a more fulfilled and peaceful life. I hope these 20 journal prompts for healing can help kickstart your healing journey and get you excited about what’s to come.
Tiffanie 🙂
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