Building healthy habits can be such a great way to create balance and structure in our every day lives. There are so many different habits you can adapt that are healthy, simple and can create more balance and happiness for you day.
Today I wanted to talk more specifically about healthy morning habits that you can adapt. There are many benefits to a healthy morning routine and many habits you can adapt, too. I believe a good morning routine should consist of good habits that will help you kickstart your day and essentially can give you a glimpse at how the rest of the day could be.
For some, mornings can feel stressful and a bit overwhelming. Maybe you like to hit that snooze button a little too often and constantly find yourself rushing around, trying to get ready, grabbing a fast bite to eat and next thing you know you’re rushing out the door all in the matter of 20 minutes and you didn’t even get to brush your teeth (breath mint?).
Now I don’t know about you guys, but I think this type of morning routine could use a little tweaking.
Imagine if you woke up even so much as 30 minutes earlier. Imagine eating a nice morning breakfast at your table and enjoying a fresh cup of coffee without having to run out the door spilling it everywhere. Imagine having enough time in the morning to just wake up slower and enjoy your mornings more mindfully.
If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, then let’s get some ideas out of how to do just that.
Healthy Morning Habits
Get up early
This isn’t a one size fits all. Depending on when your work day actually starts can also depend on what early actually means to you. I would say a good hour to two hours in the morning can be a sufficient amount of time to enjoy your morning more slowly. Whatever amount of time you give yourself, make sure it’s enough to let you enjoy your morning and not feel stressed or rushed for the day.
Make your bed
Something about getting things on the outside in order, creates a sense of inner calm. Making your bed in the morning is an example of this; something simple yet effective. It’s a good habit to get into because it starts your day off feeling organized and tidy. It’ll leave your room looking cleaner, and come night time, you will feel more refreshed crawling into a nicely made bed. Make it a habit to take 2 mins to throw your bed together and enjoy that sense of accomplishment first thing in the morning.
Brush your teeth
Brushing your teeth once you wake up is not only refreshing but also very important for the quality of your health. The mouth is an entry point for multiple different infections not just associated with the mouth itself but even in places like your digestive and respiratory tracts. Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is essential for keeping bacteria under control and to a minimum. Spend some time in the morning to adapt a good oral hygiene routine, including brushing and flossing, to maintain a fresh, healthy mouth.
Don’t Check Your Socials
Social media has become a new norm in our world. It’s said that the average person spends 2 hours and 25 minutes a day on social media. Maybe that doesn’t seem like much to some, but it definitely adds up. Social media can also sometimes have a harsh effect on ones mental health. With so much information about other people’s lives and getting sucked into the comparison vortex, avoiding social media in the morning can help you focus on more important things and set your mind on a positive vibe for the day.
Drink (lemon) water
Drinking water first thing in the morning is a good habit to adapt. As we sleep, our body goes without intake of anything, including fluids, so starting the morning off with a glass of water can help rehydrate your body after a good night’s sleep. Water is important for many of the body’s proper functions, so why not include it as a good morning habit? You can also add a splash of lemon or other fruits to give it some flavour!
Do Yoga/Meditate
Yoga is designed to strengthen and align your muscles and bones which helps relieve tension in your mind and body. When you wake up in the morning, you might feel slightly tense or sore from the position you slept in. Some light stretching and yoga can definitely aid to relieve those aches and pains from both your mind and body. The good thing about yoga aswell is it’s a form of meditation, connecting your mind to the flow of your body and keeping you focused on your breath. A beautiful practice to adapt in your morning routine!
Read something you enjoy
Reading first thing in the morning is not only relaxing, but it also can help stimulate your brain. When you wake up to a new day, consider it as a clean slate. The information you decide to digest in the morning from a good read can bring you ideas and insights to implement in your own day. It can also just be a time to relax and enjoy the free time you have to read something you enjoy. It can help you start your day inspired and motivated!
Eat a healthy breakfast
A healthy breakfast in the morning is linked to many health benefits including better memory and concentration. You’re also likely to make better nutrition choices throughout the day when you have a proper breakfast and don’t allow yourself to get to that “hangry” stage. Try incorporating a healthy meal to your morning routine to help kickstart your metabolism and your overall wellness.
Remember, your morning can set the tone for your day. A nice, calm yet productive morning routine can be exactly what you need to kickstart your day on the positive foot. By just adding some time to your morning to not feel so rushed and stressed, you will make time for more relaxation and inner peace.
What kinds of morning routine habits have you adapted? Please share in the comments below!
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