We spend so much of our time dealing with things of the outside world that sometimes, our internal world (like our emotional wellness) get’s pushed to the back burner. We engage in conversations, find ourselves scrolling social media, watching the news or reading the latest article. We give our time and energy to others whether that be professionally or personally. Our brains are sometimes so preoccupied with the outside noise that we don’t always focus on what the inside chatter has to say.
Taking the time to do daily check in’s is a GREAT practice to figuring out what you and your body need in order to remain in a well-balanced and optimal state. There are so many self-care practices you can pick up, routines you can form and like we’re going to talk about today – questions you can ask yourself in order to maintain a happy and healthy overall emotional wellness.
The Benefits of Checking In With Yourself
Just like our physical wellness, our emotional wellness is something that needs to be exercised and tended to aswell. When you start to feel overwhelmed, stressed or irritated, those are sure tell signs that your emotional wellness needs some checking in. But waiting for those emotions to arise shouldn’t be the only time you decide to tend to your emotional health. In fact, taking the time every day to check in with yourself helps you become more intune with your feelings and emotions, which helps you better navigate the challenges that you face in life and overall live a happier and healthier life.
Checking in with yourself and having a good emotional wellness is proven to help lower your stress levels, improve your relationships, reduce illness, improve behavioral regulation by being able to remain calm and reasoning, as well as improve your mood, energy and productivity.
15 Questions For Your Emotional Wellness
How am I feeling right now, in this moment?
What can I do for myself to increase how I feel even just by 5%?
What is something I am most grateful for?
Am I fighting life or am I enjoying it?
What is something that is causing me stress?
Is there something in this moment that can help me make it less stressful?
When I listen to my body, what does it need? Is it rest? Movement? Nutrition? A deep breath?
Am I facing something I can handle on my own or do I maybe need more support? Who can I reach out to for that support?
Am I holding onto something or someone that I would benefit more from letting go?
Are there any repetitive thoughts that are no longer serving me that I should let go?
What are my go-to activities that bring me happiness and calm?
Would moving my body with intention be helpful for me right now (getting out into nature)?
What is something I’m proud of myself for?
What can I forgive myself for or who can I offer forgiveness to?
How can I show up for myself better?
Maintaining a good emotional wellness is important to having a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. Gone are the days walking around like a zombie, putting our feelings on the back burner and letting life run us. Make your emotional wellness a priority.
I hope these questions are helpful to you. Feel free to add any extras you might come up with below!
And if you’re interested – here are 25 Self-Reflection Questions you can also take a look at!
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