Healing is a long, hard, beautiful journey. I think it’s safe to say that we all want to live in a world where we can feel fully healed and at peace, but the truth is, life will always have it’s…
The Dimensions Of Wellness
The state of our wellness is an essential part of the growth we go through in our lives. It’s associated with the actions we take, the intentions we create and the choices we make in life that ultimately lead us…
10 Steps Towards Personal Growth
Every single day is a chance to work towards our personal growth and create a life we are happy about. Far too often, we get so caught up on what other people are doing, comparing our lives to others and not focusing enough on what we want for ourselves.
Deciding Who’s Worth Your Energy
Human connection is essential to our growth as humans. Deciding who is worth your energy as you grow is also important. Surrounding ourselves with people who bring value and happiness to our lives is something I think we all strive…
It’s Okay To Not Always Be Okay
Life is tough, there’s no doubt about it. Challenges are constantly being delivered to our doors whether or not we order them, and it becomes our duty to decide how we deal with them. We might not always feel okay…
You’re Not Falling Behind In Life
Do you ever feel like you’re not accomplishing life’s big milestones as quickly as others are? Like you’re falling behind all of a sudden because you’re 25 and you don’t have your dream job yet, you’re 30 and haven’t bought…
Breaking The Comparison Trap
We live in a world where comparison is easy to get trapped into. With all the social media outputs included, there’s an endless amount of ways to get caught up in the comparison game; and let’s be honest, that’s a…